Where Are You From?
What Are You Most Enjoying About Your Role?
Getting to style everyone in 80’s clothes and creating such comic characters!
What Are You Most Excited About in The Theatre Company?
Performing the show: when all the hard work has paid off and everything comes together.
What Do You Think Is the Most Vital Aspect of Creating a Successful Performance?
Team work – everyone being on the same page and understanding that everyone has different ideas in order to collate the thoughts to create something great!
What Are Your Plans After University?
To hopefully get a job!
Favourite Playwright and Why?
Charlotte Keatley because the way she plays around with time is amazing and the strong women she creates is inspirational!
Favourite Play and Why?
One Man Two Guvnors. I didn’t know much about the play till I saw it, but it’s a funny play and a bit farcical and just made me smile all the way through it.
What’s The Best Performance You’ve Seen?
Aladdin at Disney Land California! It was amazing.
If You Were Stranded On a Desert Island and Could Only Take Three Albums, What Would They Be and Why?
Now That’s What I Call Disney. Who doesn’t love some Disney songs!
Taylor Swift – 1989. Because why not!?
And probably Katie Perry – Teenage Dream. I enjoy singing to all the songs!
If You Could Live Anywhere in The World, Where Would It Be and Why?
Either Florida or California cause they both have Disney near them and they have warmer weather and less rain than England.
Favourite TV Box Set:
Once Upon A Time.
Sum Up Your Theatre Company in Three Words:
Creative, Energetic, & Funny.
What’s your favourite joke?
Knock, Knock, Whose There? Doctor? Doctor Who!
Who’s your favourite stand-up comedian?
Michael McIntyre.