Danny Smile Danny Weird Danny

Where Are You From?:
Sheffield (Home of dem Blades)

What Are You Most Enjoying About Your Role:
The exploration of script, seeing what idiosyncrasies can be used between the northern and southern dialect to create comedy. The contrasts and comparisons are working well so far, and its great to see them when they are on their feet.

What Are You Most Excited About in The Theatre Company?
Creating a comedy with truly serious aims for each of the characters, its going to be difficult to keep a straight face, but the more seriously we do it, the more successful it will be!

What Do You Think Is the Most Vital Aspect of Creating a Successful Performance?:
Listening! You need to be ready to take on other people’s ideas without being subjective about your own. You need to look at everything objectively and think what is best for the company.

What Are Your Plans After University?
To cry.

Favourite Playwright and Why?
Samuel Beckett. He’s craaazy. Lots of people hate him, but I just respect how he doesn’t care what people think, he’s a clever guy and artistic genius!

Favourite Play and Why?
Waiting for Godot. The whole concept behind it is just genius. Two guys and nothing happens? That’s crazy to me.

What’s The Best Performance You’ve Seen?
Definitely Woman in Black when it came to the Lyceum in Sheffield in 2010(?). I wondered how theatre could be scary, but my lord, I didn’t sleep for days.

If You Were Stranded On a Desert Island and Could Only Take Three Albums, What Would They Be and Why?
The Killers- Battle Born. My all-time favourite. If you’re ever in a funk, that albums just got positive vibes for days.
Kanye West – My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. The whole album sounds like a painting apart from Jay Z’s verse on Monster. But Kanye is crazy. YOU AIN’T GOT THE ANSWERS SWAY!
Brandon Flowers – Flamingo. Crazy fan of Brandon Flowers and The Killers. This album is so big on the chorus’, feels like you’re driving through the Mojave.

If You Could Live Anywhere in The World, Where Would It Be and Why?
Sheffield is marvellous. Nothing beats it. Though I’d like to travel.

Favourite TV Box Set:
The Office US.

Sum Up Your Theatre Company in Three Words:
Classy Not Trashy.

Favourite Stand Up Comedian:
Peter Kay.

Favourite Joke:
A piece of string walks into a bar and walks up to the counter.
The bartender says, “Sorry mate, we don’t serve pieces of string in here, get lost.”
Upset, the piece of string walks out the door. A sudden thought strikes him. He ties himself in a knot and messes his hair up.
He walks back into the bar and approaches the counter. The bartender says, “Oi, aren’t you that piece of string from before…?”
“No,” says the piece of string, “I’m a frayed knot.”

(OR: Sheffield Wednesday.
OR: A good steak pun is a rare medium well done.)

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