
Full Frontal Theatre Company are a collective of students studying at the University of Lincoln. Created in 2016, Full Frontal are a group of individuals that have come together to create new and exciting comedy in the theatre. With significant emphasis on original writings, past events, and finding humour in uncommon, or even taboo, topics, the group aim to produce performances that are daring, innovative, and most importantly, hilarious!

Their debut show, The Magpie & The Yorkshireman is 19 May 2016 at Lincoln Performing Arts Centre. Tickets available now.

Our Mission Statement

We intend to challenge comedy and what can be considered funny by presenting and reviving historical events.
We want to peel away the skin of seriousness to reveal the core of comedy theatre with special emphasis on the power and relationship of text and the author.
We intend to explore and challenge comedy by using utilising what we as a company find funny, as well as questioning what can be funny.
We don’t want to change the world, we just want people to laugh at it.

Our Manifesto

From the beginning, there has been a vision. A force. Something to be reckoned with.
A human desire to perform; To perform stories, to perform comedy, to make people laugh.
We have set out on our adventure, with our vision in mind.
demonstrate the arts. To demonstrate comedy.  To demonstrate the power of laughter.
We believe comedy is a platform in which taboos can be discussed, laughed at, and mocked.
Situations that are sensitive can be broken down to their purest forms, opened up, and ridiculed.
We don’t want to change the world, we just want you to laugh at it.
We are Full Frontal, and we believe in laughter.

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