Ellie Smile Ellie Weird Ellie

Where Are You From?:

What Are You Most Enjoying About Your Role: 
In Marketing I am enjoying doing something I have never tried before as well as learning how to create my own theatre company.

What Are You Most Excited About in Full Frontal?:
Working as a team within the company.

What Do You Think Is the Most Vital Aspect of Creating a Successful Performance?:
I think the ability to work as a group and to listen and share ideas with enthusiasm! Being willing to try anything is important too!

What Are Your Plans After University? 
I am focussing on scriptwriting in the future as this is a hobby of mine, but I am also considering going into teaching.

Favourite Playwright and Why?: 
Alan Bennett; he influences a lot of my work and a lot of work in the north. His ability to understand people and change the way we see people is a gift that little playwrights capture as well as he does.

Favourite Play and Why? 
Talking Heads again by Alan Bennett due to the monologue format he uses and the way he creates comedy in intelligent ways.

What’s The Best Performance You’ve Seen? 
Beautiful Burnout by Frantic Assembly.

If You Were Stranded On a Desert Island and Could Only Take Three Albums, What Would They Be and Why?
1. What Did You Expect from The Vaccines – The Vaccines- It reminds me of Leeds Festival 2012 where I had gone with my girls from college and it was just a good summer.
2. Ceremonials – Florence and the Machine- Again it just reminds me of festival times and just a warm summer.
3. Night Visions – Imagine Dragons- It was on in the first bar I went to when I was 18 and it just reminds me of my eighteenth birthday.

If You Could Live Anywhere in The World, Where Would It Be and Why? 
Anywhere that’s cold! Somewhere like Greenland. I’m so pale, I would burn anywhere else!

Favourite TV Box Set: 
Harpers Island.

Sum Up Your Theatre Company in Three Words:
1. Funny.
2. Clever.
3. Squad.

Who’s Your Favourite Stand-Up Comedian? 
Sean Locke

What’s Your Favourite Joke? 
So a guy walks up to a security guard the day of a football match wearing white shorts and the security guard says ‘Who are you supporting?’ The man says ‘Leeds United.’
The next day he comes in blue shorts and the security guard asks ‘Who do you support today then?’ The man says ‘Manchester City.’
The next day the man comes back in no shorts and the security guard again says ‘Who do you support today!?’
The man says ‘Arsenal.’

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