Hayley Smile Hayley Weird Hayley

Where Are You From?
Ipswich, Suffolk

What Are You Most Enjoying About Your Role:
Being able to help out both off and on stage!

What Are You Most Excited About in The Theatre Company?
Being open to explore the boundaries of comedy, taking things that people deem too ‘out there’ and twisting them to provoke laughter.

What Do You Think Is the Most Vital Aspect of Creating a Successful Performance?
Having a cohesive performance where the actors can bounce off each other.

What Are Your Plans After University?
I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Favourite Playwright and Why?
Ibsen – I like the impact he had on naturalism.

Favourite Play and Why?
Hedda Gabler – I like how it combats such serious issues but still has moments of comedy where you question whether you should laugh.

What’s The Best Performance You’ve Seen?
The Book of Mormon!!

If You Were Stranded On a Desert Island and Could Only Take Three Albums, What Would They Be and Why?
Rush – Monsta X,
The Queen is Dead – The Smiths,

If You Could Live Anywhere in The World, Where Would It Be and Why?
The Lake District – it’s my favourite place and I go on holiday there regularly. I always feel at home when I am there!

Favourite TV Box Set:

Sum Up Your Theatre Company in Three Words:
Funny, Exciting, and Enjoyable.

What’s your favourite joke?
1: Do you wanna hear a knock knock joke?
2: Okay.
1: You start.
2: Knock knock.
1: Who’s there?

Who’s your favourite stand-up comedian?
Bo Burnham.

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