Lee Smile Lee Weird Lee

Where Are You From?:

What Are You Most Enjoying About Your Role?:
Sitting down with the whole group and reading scenes that have been written.

What Are You Most Excited About In The Theatre Company?:
Long rehearsal days where we can get loads done.

What Do You Think Is The Most Vital Aspect of Creating a Successful Performance?:
Squad cohesion!

What Are Your Plans After University?:
To stay in Lincoln and hope to start a theatre company of my own.

Favourite Playwright and Why:
Sarah Kane. Because she had such a short amount of time being a playwright yet made one of the biggest impacts on British theatre.

Favourite Play and Why:
Saved by Edward Bond. Studied it at school and just loved the story and the characters, enjoyed reading it ever since.

What’s the Best Performance You’ve Seen:
The Woman in Black.

If You Were Stranded On A Desert And Could Only Take 3 Albums, What Would They Be And Why?:
Inbetween Dreams by Jack Johnson.
Bad by Michael Jackson.
Curtain Call by Eminem.
Not sure why. I just like em.

If You Could Live Anywhere In The World, Where Would It Be And Why?:
New Zealand. Just always wanted to go there!

Favourite TV Boxset: 

Sum Up Your Theatre Company In Three Words:
We. Are. Cohesive.

Favourite Comedian: 
Lee Evans.

Favourite Joke: 
I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don’t know what he laced them with but I’ve been tripping all day.


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